LINE Rangers銀河特攻隊1月份開放的限定寵物粉紅甜甜圈熊大與抹茶甜甜圈熊大系列可以在關卡中刷到唷!
活動期間:1/1 23:00~1/14 系統維護前為止
- 關卡60、120、180:★5粉紅甜甜圈熊大
- 關卡240、300、348:★6抹茶甜甜圈熊大
1. 活動Rangers將列入活動關卡通關獎勵清單當中。
2. 完成通關時並非可100%獲得,亦可能需要重複進行遊戲才可獲得。
3. 亦可在1月的每個週末18時所發放的幸運寶箱當中,獲得★5~7活動Rangers。
4. 由於是活動Rangers的關係,因此無法透過扭蛋獲得。
5. 活動及限定版Rangers亦可能於之後再次登場。
Popping Star Brown Event
It's your chance to get a 7-Star Popping Star Brown Limited Edition Ranger!
Clear the event stages within the main stage for the chance to
get one of the following limited edition event rangers.
Evolve your event reward ranger into a
7-Star Popping Star Brown!
Period: 12 am on 1/1 till next maintenance on 1/14 (GMT+9)
- 60, 120, 180: 5-Star Pink Donut Brown
- 240, 300, 348: 6-Star Donut Chaplet Brown
Please Note the Following
1. Event rangers will be added to the event stage clear rewards list.
2. Clearing a stage does not guarantee a reward.
It may be necessary to repeatedly play a stage in some cases.
3. 5-Star to 7-Star event rangers can also be obtained through the Lucky Chest rewarded at 7 pm for logging in every weekend during January.
4. You can't get these event ranger from the Gacha.
5. Event and limited edition rangers may appear again in the future.
本文出自LINE Rangers台灣社團攻略組